April 2016

Simmons Lab student wins Arla Foods Fellowship

The Arla Food Fellowship was awarded to Ryan Dowdy, a second year doctoral student in the Department of Food Science and Technology. Ryan works in the laboratory of Professor Christopher Simmons. Ryan's research project will combine renewable desalination of dairy waste streams with improved membrane technology. He will receive $40,000 from Arla Foods to support one year of his research. 

Student Profile: Eric Hildreth

Eric Hildreth says of interning in the UCD Winery, "This opportunity has allowed me to get exposed to and gain experience with a range of varietals, technology, and winemaking methods that I'm sure will help me further down the road in my professional career."

On-campus Extension course recaps

Three on-campus Extension Programs were held between January and March. The January 13 program was dedicated to a review of the role of microbes in wine quality. Optimizing sustainability of wine processing was the topic of the February 19th program and the March 18th program focused on blending.

Protein-Trapped Sugar Compounds Nourish Infant Gut Microbes

Professors David Mills, Daniela Barile, Juliana de Moura Bell and other FST researchers have shown that an enzyme produced by beneficial microbes in babies' intestines is able to harvest specific sugar compounds from human breast-milk and cow's milk. The discovery identifies the sugars -- rather than associated protein compounds -- as the key to nourishing those important, health-promoting microbes.

Send your application for Design Thinking for Food / FST 298

The department of Food Science & Technology invites FST and VEN student applications for enrollment in Design Thinking for Food (FST 298) Fall 2016 (Tuesdays, 1-4pm). This multi-disciplinary team-based course will teach the design thinking innovation process as students tackle this year's challenge of Food Waste and create breakthrough solutions.