
Purchasing Deadline: June 2nd

All order requests over $5K and agreements (revenue, rental and no cost) must be at the Account Manager level of approval in PrePurchasing no later than 5pm on Tuesday, June 2nd to ensure the order will be placed with the vendor before June 30th.

2015 Mileage Rates

The University's mileage reimbursement rates for expenses incurred in connection with the business use of a private automobile will be revised in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rates published in Announcement IR 2011-69. The new rates are effective for expenses incurred on or after January 1, 2015.

Reduced Sales/Use Tax Rate on Research Equipment

Effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2022, the California State Board of Equalization (SBOE) is offering a reduced sales/use tax rate on equipment purchased for research that has the potential to result in significant savings for UC Davis.

Satisfaction Survey Provides Feedback to BFTV Cluster Teams

A simple survey tool allows customers of BFTV Cluster services to provide feedback to the various support teams. This tool is connected through the RT (Request Tracker) system which is heavily used by the cluster staff to track support issues and provide metrics in each of the functional areas.