
Winter 2024 Extension Summary

We hope that harvest finished smoothly for everyone and wish all a happy and healthy new year! During the fall, the extension team hosted two programs: On the Road in Alameda County and a UC Davis Grape Day.  On November 9, 2023, we hosted the On the Road program in Livermore at the UC Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC).

Influencer Bootcamp

On July 27th and 28th, the Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis hosted its second Influencer Bootcamp. The purpose of the influencer bootcamp is to bring people who have an interest in wine together at UC Davis for an immersion into both the technical and production aspects of grape growing and winemaking. To grow our brand (and get more influencers, consumers, and potential students interested in what we do), we ask the influencers to post about the bootcamp on social media through photos, videos, blog posts, podcasts and more.  

Forum - Farm to Kitchen - Making Foods Safe

Thu, Oct 12, 2023 @ 5:30pm - 6:45pm Remote via Zoom. Every delicious jar of pickles you’ve eaten has made it safely from the farm to your kitchen table, thanks to food safety measures. Whether you’re a small cottage producer, a large industrial operation, or a home cook, everyone should be careful to avoid contamination that can lead to illness.

Spring 2023 Extension Summary

The UC Davis Viticulture and Enology Extension Team has been quite active since January. We hosted a booth in the exhibit hall at the Unified Symposium in Sacramento (January 25 and 26, 2023) and a reception at the Hyatt for alumni, students, faculty, and friends on the Wednesday evening of the Unified Symposium in Sacramento (January 25, 2023). It was so great to visit with everyone that stopped by the booth or attended the reception!

FST students win Iron Brew 2023

Congratulations to the 2023 Iron Brew winners! Each year, the students in the practical malting and brewing course at UC Davis formulate a recipe and compete for the Iron Brew title. The winning team includes Food Science and Technology students Sarah Jane Suriano, Asuka Okamoto, Yoon Jung Choi and Zachary Alan Carling. Their English porter was scaled up with the help of Sudwerk Brewing Company and will be released at the Gunrock Pub on campus June 8, and at Sudwerk on June 9.

FST 109 Industry Guest Seminars - May 2023

The course FST 109 "Principles of Quality Assurance in Food Processing” is offering a series of seminars this Spring 2023. Four industry quality assurance and food safety leaders will share their career path with our students. These seminars are open to everyone in the department.

The seminars will be offered every Friday in May 2023 (May 5, 12, 19, and 26) from 10 AM to 11 AM PDT

Zoom Meeting ID: 970 3164 1520

Featured Speakers: 

Phaff Yeast Culture at UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day, Feb. 18th

The Phaff Yeast Culture Collection is participating in the 11th annual UC Davis Biodiversity Museum Day on Saturday February 18, 2023. The yeast displays and activities will be open from 10AM to 2 PM at the Robert Mondavi Institute Brewery, Winery and Food Processing facility. Come explore the exhibits about yeast, hear about the latest discoveries from the Phaff collection, and tour the teaching winery and brewery.

Winter 2023 Extension Update

The extension team in the Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis was so happy to finally be able to honor Roger Boulton for his years of service to the university and the wine industry on November 7, 2022. We had close to 200 people in attendance (in person and virtually) at the UC Davis Conference Center. Ted Rieger wrote a great summary of the day which can be found here.