Awards and Honors

Greenwood and Parikh win prize in the 2024 Little Bang! Competition

The idea to participate in the UC Davis Little Bang! Pitch + Poster Competition started from a very casual conversation between Brittany Greenwood and Shruti Parikh, grad students in Chris Simmons’ lab, which focuses on waste degradation and sustainable agricultural practices. With a shared background in microbiology and interest in biotechnology, there was no question that a partnership would produce something fruitful. Their “PlasticEaterPro” team was one of eight teams that won a prize of $1000 in the competition, held February 1, 2024.

Contest: Design a label for the launch of Hilgard631's wine

The Department of Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis has almost completed the process of becoming licensed to sell wine and will do so under the entity Hilgard631. 

We invite all current undergraduate and graduate UC Davis students, as well as the Department of Viticulture and Enology faculty and staff, to take part in an exciting contest to help design the labels for these bottles. 

Contest Details, Rules and Deadlines

1. You may submit a design for one of the three options:

Recent Awards & Honors


The UC Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology Broadening Horizons Program was recently selected as one of the Gérard Basset Foundation 2023 grantees. The Gérard Basset Foundation supports global diversity, equity, and inclusion for wine, spirits, and hospitality professionals by funding education, learning, and career-enhancing programmes. 

FST students win Iron Brew 2023

Congratulations to the 2023 Iron Brew winners! Each year, the students in the practical malting and brewing course at UC Davis formulate a recipe and compete for the Iron Brew title. The winning team includes Food Science and Technology students Sarah Jane Suriano, Asuka Okamoto, Yoon Jung Choi and Zachary Alan Carling. Their English porter was scaled up with the help of Sudwerk Brewing Company and will be released at the Gunrock Pub on campus June 8, and at Sudwerk on June 9.

NCIFT 1st place win in student poster competition for undergrad Yongju Cho

FST 2nd year undergraduate student Yongju Cho (Selina Wang lab) won first place for the student poster competition hosted by the Northern California section of the Institute of Food Technologists, or NCIFT! Her poster title was “A case study using California olive pomace for potential valorization strategy of olive oil industry by-products by the application in avocado oil-based cosmetics”. The honor was given April 25th at their annual Suppliers' Night event, which includes an educational symposium and a suppliers' expo.