Poll Zhang wins IIFH Undergrad Fellowship; presents at Summer Conference

Poll Zhang is presented with an award plaque.
Zann Gates

Poll Zhang, an undergraduate in Dr. Alyson Mitchell's lab, presented in the 2024 Summer Undergraduate Research Center Symposium. Poll received an undergraduate fellowship from the Innovation Institute for Food and Health.  This was a six-week fellowship that resulted in her talk, titled “Almond Shells: An Innovative Solution for Winery Wastewater and Their Potential as a Health-Enhancing Food Supplement”, which you can see her presenting in the pictures below.  

Dr. Alyson Mitchell introducing student Poll Zhang at the conference
Dr. Alyson Michell presenting undergrad Poll Zhang at the conference
Poll Zhang presenting her research talk at the conference.
Poll Zhang presenting her research talk at the conference.

Congratuations to Poll for her fellowship and conference presentation!  

If you're an undergrad and wondering where you can get an undergraduate fellowship like this one, please see the URC-IIFH Undergraduate Research Fellowship page for more application and a link to apply.  The fellowship includes a summer stipend of $3,500 and some funds for travel and/or supplies, if needed.
