
Special Guest Lecture on Friday, April 11th

There will be a special guest lecture by Dr. Tanya Ditschun from Senomyx on "Using Taste Receptors to Discover New Flavor Ingredients" on Friday, April 11 at 1:10 pm in the RMI Sensory Theater. Flyer attached.

Updated Composite Benefit Rates - April 2014

The FY 2012-13 reconciliation and FY 2014-15 proposed Composite Benefit Rates have been submitted to the federal government for their review and approval. We are providing the updated rates that are expected to be charged in FY 2014-15 for your planning purposes.

The Winery of the Future

While a few winemakers have consciously adopted a Luddite-like anti-technology position, most recognize that science and technology have led to better wines. Few places have done more to further the science of winemaking than the University of California, Davis, and its research and teaching winery and new sustainable research facilities are already perfecting many old processes as they test new ideas.