Upcoming events with V&E Extension

January 13, 2016, V&E Extension will be presenting the first Wine Flavor 101 Class of 2016, "The Microbes of Wine Quality." The speakers include Linda Bisson (Types of Native Fermentations), Susan Ebeler (The Impact on Aroma of Ester Production by Yeast), David Mills (Community and Environmental Microbiome Analysis) and Lucy Joseph (The Hunt for California Native Heritage Saccharomyces Species). This class will take place on the UC Davis campus. Click here to register by credit card for the program. 

On February 19, 2016, is "Optimizing the Sustainability of Wine Processing", also at UC Davis. To register for this or other upcoming courses, contact Kay Bogart at klbogart@ucdavis.edu. 

For more information, go to the UC Davis Viticulture and Enology website and click to the calendar month, then on the colored bar below the date of the program. 

Also please note: the department will have a booth at the Unified Wine and Grape Symposium in Sacramento. Please stop by Booth #826 on January 27 or 28 to say hello and pick up information on upcoming programs. In addition, we're also hosting the 5th Annual Department of Viticulture and Enology Reception for Alumni, Students, Faculty and Friends on the Wednesday night of the Unified Symposium. Wednesday, January 27, Hyatt Regency Ballroom F, 6:15-8pm. RSBP to klblock@ucdavis.edu. 

