
Congratulations to the 2024 Viticulture & Enology Graduates!


The Department of Viticulture and Enology had an outdoor in-person graduation celebration for our students receiving their B.S. or M.S. in Viticulture and Enology on Friday, June 14, 2024. V & E Chair and Associate Professor, Ben Montpetit kicked off the event and Merry Edwards V & E alumnus (M.S, '73) was the graduation speaker. Merry did not have the chance to walk at her undergraduate graduation ceremony at UC Berkeley, or her graduate ceremony at UC Davis, so she was presented with an honorary diploma. Dr. Montpetit, Dr.

Student Profile: Vincent Powell

Student standing: Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior/Graduate etc. 
2nd-year graduate student

Degree/Focus/interest areas: 
Viticulture and Enology

Where are you from originally? 
I was born and raised in Sacramento.

What brought you to UC Davis? 
I came to UC Davis for my VEN degree after working as a wine lab technician for two years. I wanted to go deeper down the rabbit hole.

The VEN 124L Experience: A Dive into Wine Production


At UC Davis, the VEN 124L Wine Production laboratory course offers students a hands-on immersion into the world of winemaking, combining the science of fermentation with the common sense and dynamic process of wine production. This course, currently taught by Dr. Ben Montpetit, goes beyond the typical lab setting by providing students the opportunity to make red and white wines at the 500-gallon scale in the UC Davis Teaching and Research Winery.