We had an uplifting virtual graduation and award ceremony for our students receiving a BS or MS in Viticulture and Enology on Friday, June 11. In addition, we announced the scholarship recipients for the coming year!
Viticulture and Enology Chair and Professor, David Block got the festivities started and Elizabeth Vianna, Viticulture and Enology alumna and General Manager and Winemaker at Chimney Rock Winery, was the graduation speaker. She gave very relevant and good advice for graduates including: “never say never”, stay in touch with classmates and professors (they are your “V and E family”), travel to other wine regions, learn to be comfortable with public speaking, find mentors and then pay it forward, and think about the kind of culture you want to create in a workplace.
Professors Dario Cantu and David Block presented the 2021 graduates and Professor Andrew Waterhouse presented the scholarship recipients for the coming year. The department awarded the inaugural Richard A. Ward Fellowship (its creation reported in the Spring newsletter) to Joshua Hnizdor, which provides $10,000/year, through the generosity of Linda Reiff and Saintsbury Vineyard and Winery. In addition, this past year's DEVO officers (Mackenzie Davis and Sofia Pastrama) announced the 2021 Departmental Teaching award recipient, Professor David Block, and one of next year's DEVO officers (Mireia Domenech Lopez) announced the DEVO Internship Award winners. Thank you to everyone who helped put this celebration together and congratulations to the class of 2021!
To view the video of the event, click on the following link: https://video.ucdavis.edu/.../UC%20Davis.../1_ohyifc0o