Cory Marx is a second year Food Science and Technology graduate student. Originally from the east coast, Cory studied Geological Sciences and Chemistry in Miami, FL as an undergraduate before a short stint working as a hydrocarbon geoscientist in Texas. Competitively homebrewing and home-winemaking at the time, he started to progress through the Wine and Spirit Education Trust program as night classes after work. Hooked on the subject, Cory decided to make the move to California to pursue a graduate degree, combining a love for fermentation science and research at UC Davis.
Cory started research work in the Oberholster lab group before even beginning any coursework. In his first two years of study Cory has been involved in numerous research projects, all centered around the topic of cleaning and sanitation. While cleaning and sanitation might not be the most glamorous aspect of the wine industry, most winemakers will say it is one of the most important and the bulk of where staff spends their time and attention. Cory’s research focuses on optimizing winery processes to reduce water and chemical usage in the winery through smart choices and efficient operation. The importance of the subject is reflected in the positive attention his research has received, as Cory was awarded the 2018 ASEV Best Presentation award for enology in his first year of study.
One of the most rewarding ways Cory spends his time is speaking about the subject and sharing research results and best practice considerations with staff from wineries of all sizes. Cory regularly speaks at outreach events, and interfacing with wineries and related businesses is a way he feels he can give back to an industry that has given him so many chances to grow. Cory feels extremely fortunate for the numerous opportunities that UC Davis has given him in such a short time, and doesn’t think any other institution would have been able to provide the experience and exposure he’s received in graduate school. Cory will be working harvest this coming summer in Napa Valley, and believes it is testament to the program at Davis to allow for growth in both academic and industry settings as a student. Outside of school, he continues to pursue the Wine and Spirit Education trust Diploma and hopes to have a role as a winemaker and educator in the future after completing his graduate studies.