The UCD V and E Extension team hosted 10 events between February 10, 2022, through May 23, 2022. We brought UC Davis V&E On the Road Programs to Santa Barbara (February 22, 2022), Santa Cruz (March 24, 2022), and virtually to the Central Sierra (Foothills) on March 31, 2022. In addition, we partnered with the Napa Valley Vintners and co-hosted a listening session followed by a few UCD V & E research summaries. We hosted three on-campus programs including a UC Davis Grapevine Red Blotch Disease Symposium on March 16 (click here to see agenda), Evaluating the Impact of Grape Smoke Exposure: Best practices on April 8 (click here to see agenda), and a day-long seminar honoring Andy Walker’s career at UC Davis on May 19 (click here to see agenda). In addition, we offered three Office Hours with Dave and Anita on February 10, March 10, and May 3, 2022. The featured guests and topics for Office Hours were Megan Bartlett discussing New root traits that may help grapevines resist drought; Ron Runnebaum and Nate Weis discussed Sustainable Winemaking, and Kaan Kurtural, Larry Bettiga and Mark Battany discussed Identifying and mitigating spring frost damage in vineyards.
We will be hosting a UC Davis V and E Grape Day and Trade Show at the Oakville Station on June 8th (to see the agenda and to register, click here). We are already planning for 2022-2023. We will be celebrating the career of Roger Boulton on November 7, 2022, and we are planning to bring an On the Road program to Shasta County (it was postponed to 2022 due to a COVID outbreak in 2021) on November 16, 2022. Mark your calendars for the Unified Symposium in Sacramento, January 24-26, 2023. We are hoping to not only host a booth (Jan 25-26), but host our annual reception for alumni, students, faculty, and friends (Jan 25). We are planning additional On the Road visits during the 2022-2023 academic year to Lodi, Mendocino and Lake Counties, Tulare County, and Fresno. Also, we are in the process of planning future On Campus programs and will have more details in the Summer 2023 newsletter.
Check our events page often, for future programs and updated information. We are thankful for the AVF extension grants we have received and for the additional support we receive through our Extension and Industry Relations Partnership Program.