Congratulations to Andy Waterhouse on his retirement!

Andy Waterhouse seminar

On May 31, 2023, the Department of Viticulture and Enology presented a seminar at the UC Davis Conference Center to honor the career of Professor Andrew Waterhouse. Several of his former students, postdocs, and visiting scholars were invited to speak at the event.  As you might imagine, many speakers talked about oxidation reactions, including some of the work they did in Andy’s lab, but some also spoke about their current work (some of Andy’s former students are actually working in areas related to what they studied in Dr. Waterhouse’s lab). Attendees got to hear from winemakers, professors, and researchers (both academic and in the private sector).  

What made the biggest impression on us was the different ways that Dr. Waterhouse helped each of the students, whether before they started in the lab, while they were in the lab, or even a few years after leaving the lab. The final talk of the day was an opportunity for Andy to reflect on his career at UC Davis with respect to research, teaching, the value of an academic institution, and his contributions through service to the institution, which have helped make UC Davis a better place.  At the conclusion of the seminar, there was a reception for attendees to celebrate with Andy.  So, while we may not see Andy around as much as we did for the last 32 years, he still has a couple of research projects he is working on. Thank you, Andy, for all you have done for wine chemistry, for the department, for the university, and for the students. 
