Alumni Profile: Jeff Mangahas

Man stands in a winery with his hands on barrels and fermentation tanks behind him

Year and degree of graduation: 
2003, Masters in Food Science, Viticulture and Enology

Current job title/company: 
VP, Director of Winemaking, Williams Selyem Winery

What have you been up to since you graduated? 
I have been focusing on my career and had amazing experiences at Dutton Goldfield Winery, Hartford Family Winery, and now Williams Selyem.

Do you feel your UC Davis experience benefited your career? 
Absolutely! Wine is a second career for me. I was originally in the research science field in academia and pharmaceuticals. When I decided to pursue my interest in wine as a career, UC Davis was a natural choice for me to complement my strong science mindset. Having worked with yeast as a model organism in my research days, I was fortunate to parlay my understanding of yeast biology with thesis work with Dr. Linda Bisson.  

What is the most rewarding part of being in the industry/your job? 
There is a neverending set of variables in crafting great wines and I get tremendous satisfaction in navigating that every year. It is always a learning process and that keeps me engaged all the time.

What are some of the most difficult challenges you have faced in the grape or wine industry? 
I am fortunate to have been successful and along the way have experienced many ups and downs. The issues of the wildfires and viruses in the vineyards have tested us as an industry and will continue to be issues that we will have to navigate. I think that through perseverance and dedication, we can solve them!

Is there anything you would like to share with current UCD V&E students? 
This is still an industry where experience matters. The variables in winemaking are vast, so absorb as many experiences as possible to formulate your own opinions.

How has the pandemic affected you? 
The pandemic made us think about what is important in life which is an important lesson. I was thankful that we were still able to make wine and keep going during a difficult time.

What is one unique thing about you? 
I am incredibly passionate about any and all of my endeavors whether it be about family, food and/or wine!

