Congratulations to the 2024 Viticulture & Enology Graduates!

2024 Graduating V&E Students
Ben Montpetit
Ben Montpetit

The Department of Viticulture and Enology had an outdoor in-person graduation celebration for our students receiving their B.S. or M.S. in Viticulture and Enology on Friday, June 14, 2024. V & E Chair and Associate Professor, Ben Montpetit kicked off the event and Merry Edwards V & E alumnus (M.S, '73) was the graduation speaker. Merry did not have the chance to walk at her undergraduate graduation ceremony at UC Berkeley, or her graduate ceremony at UC Davis, so she was presented with an honorary diploma. Dr. Montpetit, Dr. Block, and graduate and undergraduate advisor, Liz Price, then presented the 2024 graduates and citation recipients.  In addition, last year's DEVO president, Christopher Hall, announced the 2024 Departmental Teaching Award, which was given to Pat Howe, Instructor, Department of Viticulture & Enology and Continuing & Professional Education. Thank you to everyone who helped put this celebration together and congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Congratulations to the following students who graduated in June 2024:

Ben Montpetit and Merry Edwards
Ben Montpetit and Merry Edwards

B.S. in Viticulture & Enology

  • Diana Avina
  • Fermin Barbosa
  • Michael Barton
  • Grace Cameron
  • Sandra Celis
  • Tali Cooper
  • Alexander Victor Garcia
  • Christopher Hall
  • Cameron Kangleon
  • Allie Lipco
  • Roya Pahlavan
  • Nicole Pineda
  • Francis Schumann
  • Carly Sweeney
  • Jacob Vito
  • Marjorie Wangsawijaya
  • Patrick Whitaker
  • Thomas Zaninovich

M.S. in Viticulture & Enology

  • Bainian Chen
  • Justin Ito
  • Roy Wallfish

Awards and Citations 

Christopher Hall
Christopher Hall

The Outstanding Senior award for academic achievement and contributions to the department went to Yuyan Kuang. 

The following students graduated with a departmental citation (3.6 GPA or higher in major courses), and/or outstanding performance (3.5 GPA or higher in all courses). 

  • Christopher Hall (Departmental Citation, Outstanding Performance)
  • Yuyan Kuang (Outstanding Performance)
  • Nicole Pineda (Outstanding Performance)
  • Carley Sweeney (Outstanding Performance)
  • Patrick Whitaker (Outstanding Performance)
  • Thomas Zaninovich (Outstanding Performance)
Attendees at the graduation
Graduation attendees

