You are invited to attend this week’s Food Science department seminar at 4:10 PM PST, on Wednesday March 9, 2022. You can attend live in-person in room 1207 RMI South, or virtually by Zoom.
Katherine Uhl, Ph.D. Candidate, Mitchell Lab, Food Science & Technology, UC Davis, will present her Exit Seminar, “Discovering the composition of the fruit and flowers of California-native elder (Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea)”
Katie's bio and the talk summary are in the PDF flyer.
Join URL:
OR attend in person in room 1207 RMI South
Sneak preview of spring quarter 2022 seminars:
March 30 and April 6: TBD
April 13: PhD Exit Seminar, Sierra Durham, Barile Lab
April 20: MS Exit Seminar, Sophie Pinton, Bell Lab
April 27: PhD Exit Seminar, Shiva Emami, Taha Lab
May 4 – June 1: First year Food Science graduate student presentations