Mariah Mier, a 3rd year undergraduate in Food Science and Technology, was awarded the IFT Feeding Tomorrow Foundation’s Institute for Thermal Processing Specialists – Irving Pflug Memorial Scholarship for 2020. The Feeding Tomorrow scholarships enrich students' lives by making it possible to focus on their studies and extend their experience beyond the classroom with internships or travel scholarships, and contribute to the Feeding Tomorrow Foundation’s mission of attracting, retaining, and celebrating the creative and innovative minds of future food scientists, with a goal of ensuring the world has the ability to feed a growing and diverse population.
Mariah’s interests include fermentation, product and packaging design, rheology, flavor chemistry, and sustainable meat alternatives. She’s on course to graduate in June of 2021. Congrats to you, Mariah!
For a list of all Feeding Tomorrow Scholarship 2020 recipients, please see: https://www.ift.org/feeding-tomorrow-foundation/our-supporters/recipients.