You are invited to attend the Department of Food Science and Technology seminar on Wednesday Sept. 29th at 4:10 PM by Zoom. This fall, the Food Science department seminars will be presented by our own department researchers.
Dr. Ameer Taha, Associate Professor, Food Science and Technology, will present “Overview of research in the Taha lab - Effects of lipids and lipid-like compounds on brain function.”
Dr. Gail Bornhorst, Associate Professor and Engineer, Food Science and Technology, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, will present “Complementary approaches to understand food breakdown during digestion: Case study in carbohydrate-based foods.”
The seminar will be in-person in room 1207 RMI South for the students in FST290, and available via Zoom for all others.
The Zoom link is https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/92208083430 and the PDF flyer is here.
See you there! And mark your calendars for the Food Science and Technology seminars for the rest of the quarter: Oct. 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, Nov. 3rd, 10th, 17th, and Dec. 1st.