End Local Hunger - Oct. 16

healthy food

* Friday, October 16, 2:00-4:00 Galileo Building, 1909 Galileo Court Suite B, Davis 
OLLI would like to offer a free one-time membership (9/1/158/20/16) and a free course, End Local Hunger to all WorkLife and Wellness subscribers (you), to celebrate Food Day. Call 757-8777 to register for your free membership and course. Course # 152SNR802 
* Presenter, Gopal Kapur 
* EndLocalHunger raises funds to donate meals through food banks, community service organizations, and college and university food pantries. A key focus of the program is that the funds collected in a geographic area are spent locally. Come and learn how individuals, families and businesses can join hands to help end hunger in Yolo County. 
LEARN MORE about other interesting and engaging Osher Lifelong Learning Institute courses.
