BAE Weekly Seminar: Tuesday, June 3, 2045 Bainer Hall, 3:10 - 4:00 pm

Please join us for the weekly BAE seminar 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 
3:10  4:00 pm, 2045 BAINER HALL

Topic: Gallus gallus domesticus: The UC Davis Demonstration Coop 

Deb Niemeier, Ph.D., P.E. 
Director, Sustainable Design Academy 
Editor-in-Chief, Transportation Research, Part A 
Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering 

Demand for eggs from producers using relatively cage-free production systems, including organic pasture poultry, has dramatically increased over the past 5 to 8 years. This has also, at least partially, energized the emergence of a new generation of urban and semi-rural poultry farmers, blurring the distinction between backyard and commercial poultry. This talk will outline the major drivers behind changes in poultry industry post-Proposition 2. In addition, well discuss a newly proposed demonstration coop being developed at UC Davis. This demonstration coop will be used to develop best practices and outreach strategies for organic pasture poultry with respect to four areas: 1) production practices, 2) food safety, 3) environmental management, and 4) economic viability for the farmer. The UC Davis Demonstration Coop, the first of its kind nationally, is designed to be a major research and education hub for small organic poultry farmers. 

Coffee and cookies will be served.
