Glenn Young: U.S. Faculty Scholar

Professor Glenn Young of the Department of Food Science and Technology has been named a U.S. Faculty Scholar by the Vietnamese Education Foundation (VEF), an American agency established by Congress to foster educational exchanges between Vietnam and the U.S. in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine. The one-year grant, much like a Fulbright Scholarship, begins in July. Young is part of the sixth cohort of American professors selected to teach at Vietnamese universities as a U.S. Faculty Scholar. 

Young's co-grantee is Cary Trexler, a professor of agricultural education in the UC Davis School of Education. Trexler has been working with Vietnamese agricultural universities for several years, serving as an intermediary for faculty interested in transforming agricultural education in Vietnam. 

The VEF grant will support the establishment of a participatory research class for Vietnamese undergraduate students, who will be guided through projects related to preharvest, postharvest, food science, crop science, and food safety. The research projects will connect students from Hanoi Agriculture University and Nong Lam University in Ho Chi Mihn City to small farms and farmer groups at research sites already established by Trexler, Young, and others through an ongoing project supported by USAID.

Media Contact
Glenn Young
Food Science and Technology
(530) 754-5293
