Kudos to FST Specialist in Cooperative Extension and Research Director of the UC Davis Olive Center, Selina Wang, who has been awarded the 2021 Faculty Stewardship Award by the UC Davis Foundation.
The award is given by the UC Davis Foundation Board of Trustees in recognition of innovative and notable leadership in stewarding donors and supporters of UC Davis. It honors and celebrates individuals whose accomplishments as a faculty or staff member have made a significant and lasting impact on UC Davis.
The selection committee was impressed with your commitment to building relationships with the olive oil industry and the Center’s donors, ensuring the Olive Center has been fully self-supporting since its inception and building a reputation for excellence known throughout the industry.
The awards will be presented to Selina and the two other awardees at the Foundation's Fall Board Meeting on October 9th. In the words of the Foundation, "Your distinguished service to UC Davis is exemplary, and we are so thankful for your dedication to making UC Davis a world-class learning and research institution."
A big congratulations to Dr. Wang for her achievement!