2015 UC Global Health Day: Now Accepting Submissions for Abstracts and Proposals! - by Jan. 9

Health day poster

Submit your abstract or proposal for UC Global Health Day 

The UC Global Health Institute (UCGHI) invites submissions of abstracts for posters and proposals for breakout sessions for UC Global Health Day. This annual conference is a showcase of the research, training and outreach in global health being undertaken across the University of California. 

This event is an opportunity for UC students, fellows, faculty, staff and visiting scholars to share their current work in global health. The day will feature plenary sessions, posters and concurrent breakout sessions covering a broad range of global health topics. 

Interdisciplinary and cross-campus collaborations are strongly encouraged. All presenters will receive complimentary registration to UC Global Health Day. Students selected to present at UC Global Health Day will receive funding to offset travel and poster expenses. Read the Calls for posters and breakout sessions for more information. 

Submit your abstract or proposal today! Deadline for submissions is Friday, January 9, 2015, 11:59 pm (PST) 

Details about the student video contest and the student plenary contest are forthcoming. Stay posted. 

Visit UC Global Health Institute website for more information. 

Questions? Contact: ucghi@globalhealth.ucsf.edu 
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