Dr. Devin Peterson, a Flavor Chemist at the University of Minnesota, will be giving a seminar entitled "Flavor Research and Open Innovation Partnerships: An Imperative Strategy to Advance Knowledge and Our Food Supply" at 2:00pm on Monday March 9, in 1207 RMI South. I hope that you will be able to attend. There will be a short reception afterwards, and I am organizing a dinner that night. If youd like to meet with Dr. Peterson or join us for lunch or dinner on March 9, please contact me. Devin will also be available Tuesday morning March 10 until about 11:00am. For more information on Dr. Petersons research areas see the description below, his CV and promotion document attached or his website: http://www.flavor.umn.edu/.
Diane M. Barrett, PhD
Fruit & Vegetable Products Specialist http://www.fruitandvegetable.ucdavis.edu
Department of Food Science & Technology http://foodscience.ucdavis.edu
Site Director, Center for Advanced Processing & Packaging http://www.fst.ohio-state.edu/CAPPS/
Postharvest Technology Center http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/
University of California Davis (530) 752-4800