FST Professor and Dairy Specialist Moshe Rosenberg will teach a short course via Zoom for the California Artisan Cheese Guild called "Designing and Introducing Cheese Quality Attributes Short Course" during five days in September and October.
Course description:
The commercial success of a given cheese and its acceptability by consumers are critically dependent on its quality attributes. Cheese consumption, and thus the success of cheesemakers, is greatly governed by the profile of quality attributes manifested by a given cheese. Cheese quality attributes include: flavor, aroma, texture, appearance, functionality, composition, nutritional value, etc.
This remotely-instructed class will introduce and discuss the multitude of concepts, phenomena, mechanisms and practices that cheesemakers have to understand and implement in order to successfully design, introduce and control cheese quality attributes.
See the web link for the full course description, topics covered, and registration.
Who should attend?
The class is designed for cheese professionals with a basic understanding and knowledge in the concepts of dairy chemistry and microbiology as well as in the unit operations that are associated with cheesemaking and aging.
Course schedule:
This online class will be instructed via Zoom in 5 x 3-hour individual sessions from 2-5pm Pacific Time on the following dates:
Monday, September 20, 2021
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Monday, October 4, 2021
Course fees:
The course fees range from $100 - $200 with member and non-member categories included, and discounts for early registration before August 31st as well.
Registered participants will receive an email invitation to join the Zoom sessions and a complete set of lecture notes for the course.