FST's Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Charlie Bamforth, is interviewed by Jim Brown, UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education Director of Fermentation Science, as part of UC Davis Emeriti Association's long-running and popular Video Records Project.
Since 1993, the UCDEA Video Records Project has been creating an oral history of the UC Davis campus by recording interviews of emeriti/ae as well as others who have made significant contributions to the development of the university. These interviews take the form of a recorded conversation between the interviewee and one of his/her friends and/or colleagues. Almost 500 videos have been recorded to date. All new emeriti/ae are encouraged to arrange for an interview.
Watch the video here: https://video.ucdavis.edu/media/493+Charles+Bamforth/1_8e20zql0, or click the picture below. (UC Davis IET/UC Davis Emeriti Association, 51:16 minutes)

From the video page: "This interview is with distinguished professor emeritus Charles Bamforth. Professor Bamforth was appointed in the Department of Food Science and Technology in 1998 and retired in 2018. His principal interest was in brewing and fermentation biochemistry in the application of scientific principles to the art of the brewing the brewing industry. He had many connections with the industry and served as the president of the Institute of Brewing and Distilling. He served as chairman of the department of Food Science and Technology and was instrumental in the development of the Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science and the world class brewing facilities there. In addition to a career in the world of beer, he is also an extensively published author in English football and has has published numerous magazine articles and books on the subject. He is interviewed by his friend and colleague Dr. James Brown."