Retirement Counseling Transition

Effective January 2, 2014, the Davis Campus and UCDHS Benefits Offices will enter into a partnership with the Retirement Administration Service Center (RASC) at the Office of the President in Oakland to assist employees in transitioning to the next important phase of their lives - Retirement. 

For those approaching retirement, the Retirement Administration Service Center is now here to assist employees in making a smooth transition from Esteemed Employee to Respected Retiree. As of January 2, the RASC will provide all retirement-related counseling and processing for UCD and UCDHS faculty and staff. Services to be provided by the RASC will include: 

- Pre-retirement planning, retirement counseling and election 
- General UCRP inquiries 
- Buyback inquiries and processing 
- UCRP service credit inquiries 
- Reciprocity 
- Transitioning from UC Disability Income to Service Retirement 
- Post-retirement service credit adjustments 
- Support to separated employees trying to access retirement savings or CAP balances 

The Davis Campus and UCDHS Benefits Offices will continue to provide all counseling for UCRP Disability Income, layoff inquiries, death reports and survivor benefit counseling, New Employee Orientation, and Open Enrollment. 

When you are ready to discuss your retirement preparations, contact the Retirement Administration Service Center to speak to a Specialist: 1- 800-888-8267, option 8, or you can access assistance on line through a web form at:

Susan M. Gilbert 
Associate Vice Chancellor-Human Resources 
University of California Davis 
One Shields Avenue 
Davis, CA 95616-8558 
WORK: (530) 752-3383/CELLULAR: (530) 400-3452 
FAX: 530-752-1289
