Dr. Bruhn is on display for all to see on the side of Bainer Hall. Listed as Dr. Food Safety, her image sits amongst several other notable faces found on campus. Be sure to check it out yourself!
This honor comes on the heels of another -- as Dateline notes:
"The International Association for Food Protection recently accorded honorary lifetime membership to Christine Bruhn, Cooperative Extension specialist emerita. The presentation took place in during the association's annual meeting, held this year in Portland.
The citation reads in part, 'Dr. Bruhn has brought honor to the profession through outstanding leadership in communicating science-based information that advances food protection. Dr. Bruhn helps the public, health professionals and the media more fully comprehend safety issues inherent in a range of food technologies. Her research on consumer attitudes and behavior has been reported in over 160 peer reviewed publications and other creative works.'
At the Portland meeting, July 26-29, Bruhn and postdoc researcher Yaohua 'Betty' Feng presented a poster titled, 'Effect of food irradiation messages on purchase intent,' exploring the impact of descriptive messages on consumer interest in purchasing food irradiated for safety.
Just before the Fourth of July, Bruhn teamed with the Office of Strategic Communications on a story and video project on the topic of food safety around holiday grilling."