Showcase your talent in design to win cash and prizes!
* Target consumer group is 18-30 year olds (male and/or female)
* End products make up a cohesive outerwear collection including technology features in the fabric selection or product design
* Color palette inspiration from Pantone Winter 2016 Trend Palettes
* You must be an AATCC member to enter; join online or submit application and US$35
* Work individually or in a team of up to four
Refer to the Competition Entry Checklist as a helpful guide.
Team entries will divide the prize among all members.
* 1st place: US$1,000, Pantone Cotton Passport, and $100 Spoonflower Gift Certificate
* 2nd place: US$750, Pantone Cotton Passport, and $100 Spoonflower Gift Certificate
* Honorable Mention (2 prizes): US$100 and $50 Spoonflower Gift Certificate
* Winners will be announced by May 22, 2015.
Suzanne Holmes | +1.919.549.3537 | holmes@aatcc.org
Faculty Note
AATCC announces this competition during the late fall season anticipating that design, art, and merchandising faculty will incorporate it as a project for their spring curriculum. Faculty members are encouraged to assist students with the coordination of teams and resources, and to act as liaisons with AATCC for this competition.
By entering the competition, you agree to allow AATCC to use photographs and/or digital imagery of your entry in print and electronic publications and press releases. You retain the rights to your designs.