Longtime Food Science and Technology Leadership Board members Jacqueline Beckley and Leslie Herzog authored an article for IFT Digital Exclusives, February 7th, 2022: "Why Food Science Departments Need Leadership Boards". In the article, they start with the history of food science leadership boards, ways in which they offer support to the departments, board member selection, charters, and opportunties for board members. The pair draw on their considerable experience over the past three decades at four different university food science departments.
You can read the article here: https://www.ift.org/news-and-publications/digital-exclusives/why-food-science-departments-need-leadership-boards. Our UC Davis Food Science and Technology's Leadership Board members are listed here: https://foodscience.ucdavis.edu/leadership-board
Here's the role of our own UC Davis FST Leadership Board as stated in our charter document:
The Department of Food Science and Technology Leadership Board is an external advisory group organized to support the Department faculty, staff, students and programs. The members of the Leadership Board support Departmental outreach, teaching, and research. The Leadership Board provides advice on broad matters of planning and policy within and impacting the Department of Food Science and Technology.
Thank you, Jacqueline and Leslie, for all you do for our department, students, staff, and faculty!