FST's Glen Fox, Anheuser-Busch Endowed Professor of Malting and Brewing Sciences, was a special guest on the Master Brewers Association of the Americas podcast #200, "Storming the Congress Mash", along with Mary-Jane Maurice.

Podcast Host John Bryce shares:
"The 200th episode of the Master Brewers Podcast ponders the question: Should the numbers on your malt COA be produced from a mash that's more similar to your brewery mashes? Like most things in brewing, the answer isn't simple. Our friends Mary-Jane Maurice & Glen Fox got the conversation started on the show, and we hope to hold a workshop on this topic during a future Brewing Summit (that's when MBAA & ASBC hold their annual meetings jointly. ..the next one will be in Providence, RI in August of 2022). In the meantime, listen to episode 200, then chime in here with your thoughts!" (Link to join conversation, login required.)