FST welcomes new faculty member, Dr. Bwalya Lungu

Dr. Bwalya Lungu

Dr. Bwalya Lungu accepted a lecturer PSOE position in the Department of Food Science & Technology and began Jan 04, 2016. 

Dr. Lungu received her M.S. and Ph.D in Food Science from the University of Arkansas and went on to develop a strong career contributing to both academia and industry. Her work in the industry focused on current and emerging diagnostics of common animal and public health micro-organisms such as Salmonella, Mycoplasma and Avian Influenza at both the cellular and molecular level. 

Here at UC Davis, Dr. Lungus focus will be on undergraduate training, education and development with a goal towards developing students with the leadership and critical thinking skills needed to understand and provide solutions for real life challenges in the food industry. 

Welcome to Dr. Lungu! 
