Announcing MyUCDavis Student Portal - Oct 1

About a year ago, the Student Affairs Office of Technology (SAOT)in collaboration with the academic colleges, Student Affairs Marketing and Communications, and multiple campus departmentsbegan to build a product that would streamline student interactions with the university as well as the way they receive information. Elias Lopez and his team envisioned a website that would bring together both administrative and academic resources for students. 

The result is the new myucdavis for students, which will be available tomorrow, Oct. 1! 

Students will log in to the new portal by going to and using their UC Davis ID and passphrase. After selecting the button for students, they will have access to the systems they use most, such as SISWeb and DavisMail. Through the new site, students also will have access to the new Student Advising Portal, created by the College of Letters and Science for all undergraduate students and their advisers. In addition, the site features an "Updater" that provides information about campus events, activities and student resources, and a Twitter-like Aggie Feed tool that aggregates and displays announcements submitted by campus departments. 

From the site's name to the features included on the home page, feedback from students was an integral part of this project. As the project team continues to make enhancements in the coming months, student feedback will remain an important driver of our decisions. 

Because the new myucdavis integrates student services housed in departments from across campus, we have created a new portal director position to ensure that our students receive the best possible experience. I will provide you with an update once a hiring decision has been made. 

I want to thank and congratulate the project team for creating a product that we can all be excited about! 

If you haven't already done so, please see the recent Dateline article about the new site,


Lora Jo Bossio 
Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
