Viticulture and Enology Faculty Awards & Honors

Faculty awards

David Block to lead National Science Foundation Growing Convergence Program Grant 

Is cultivated meat — essentially, animal protein grown under lab conditions — a nourishing prospect to help feed the world, or is it more sizzle than steak? A consortium of researchers at the University of California, Davis, aims to explore the long-term sustainability of cultivated meat, supported by a new grant of up to $3.55 million from the National Science Foundation Growing Convergence program, in addition to previous support from the Good Food Institute and New Harvest. 

Viticulture and Enology Department Chair David Block is the principal investigator. You can read more about the grant in Andy Fell's article. 

Mason Earles Principal Investigator of New Artificial Intelligence Institute for Next-Generation Food Systems

Congratulations to Mason Earles, an assistant professor in the Dept. of Viticulture and Enology and the Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, who is one of four UC Davis investigators that make up the USDA-NIFA Artificial Intelligence Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (AIFS, based at UC Davis). The mission of the institute is to develop AI technologies for a sustainable food system and to nurture next generation talent to produce and distribute nutritious food with fewer resources. More information.

David Mills Named Highly Cited Researcher

Congratulations to Viticulture & Enology and Food Science & Technology Professor David Mills for being named one of eleven UC Davis researchers who are highly cited this year! 
The annual Highly Cited Researchers 2020 list released by the Clarivate Web of Science Group compiles statistics on scientific publishing. The list identifies scientists and social scientists who have published multiple papers ranking in the top 1 percent by citations in a particular field and year, over a 10-year period. Citation counts represent how often a particular paper has been cited in other scientific publications. 
You can read a more detailed description on the CAES webpage, which includes the names of the eleven UC Davis researchers receiving this honor.

Anita Oberholster Receives ASEV Extension Distinction Award

Congratulations to Anita Oberholster, Department of Viticulture and Enology, Cooperative Extension Specialist, in Enology!  She has been selected as the 2021 American Society of Enology and Viticulture (ASEV) Extension Distinction Award recipient. This award recognizes a current extension educator who is nominated for the award based on the outstanding contribution of: (1) information in enology or viticulture through his or her extension program, or (2) the translation of novel research findings into commercially applicable tools for enologists or viticulturists. The Society is recognizing her distinguished contributions to extension with expertise in enology.  The Extension Distinction Award recipient receives a plaque and monetary award and is invited to give a presentation on their research/programs at the upcoming ASEV National Conference (June 2021 in Monterey, CA). Information about the extension distinction award can be found here.

Waterhouse Lab Receives ASEV Best Enology Paper for 2021

Dr. Andy Waterhouse's paper “Determination of Molecular and ‘Truly’ Free Sulfur Dioxide in Wine: A Comparison of Headspace and Conventional Methods”, co-authored with UC Davis alum Todd Jenkins, UC Davis postdoc Patricia Howe, and Cornell professor Gavin Sacks, has received The Best Paper Award in the field of enology from the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV). 

Each year, the ASEV Best Paper Awards Committee completes an evaluation of all research papers published in the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture for the prior year. The committee selects one paper in the field of enology and one in the field of viticulture that is deemed outstanding in its content and a substantial contribution to the field. More information about the awards can be found here.

Congratulations to Dr. Waterhouse and his team!
