UC Davis Becomes Smoke and Tobacco Free January 1, 2014

Dear UC Davis Community, 

I am writing to advise you of the new systemwide Smoke and Tobacco Free policy that goes into effect at UC Davis on January 1, 2014. This is part of the systemwide initiative that President Yudof announced to all UC chancellors last year. 

The University of California is committed to providing a healthy, safe and clean environment for students, staff, faculty, alumni and visitors. Research continues to show that the use of cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, and other tobacco products, as well as exposure to secondhand smoke, leads to disease and premature death for smokers and non-smokers alike. In addition, cigarette litter and smoke are toxic to our environment. 

Because it is important to protect our community from these serious health risks and adverse environmental effects, the University of California will be smoke and tobacco free effective January 1, 2014. Once the policy takes effect, smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco products, and the use of unregulated nicotine products (e-cigarettes) will be strictly prohibited on any UC Davis owned or leased property, indoors and outdoors, including parking lots and residential space. 

When President Yudof announced this initiative, Chancellor Katehi charged a campus Smoke and Tobacco Free Policy Implementation Steering Committee with the task of crafting a policy tailored to the needs of our campus. In keeping with this request, they are developing a policy that, in its enforcement, will be primarily educational, with an emphasis on providing cessation resources. 

The policy does not obligate anyone to give up tobacco products, but merely to refrain from smoking and using tobacco products on campus and other University owned or leased property. It is hoped that the policy will serve as an impetus for those who are ready to improve their health and well-being by giving up the use of tobacco. 

The Committee has developed a website - http://BreatheFree.ucdavis.edu - where you will find complete information about the policy, answers to frequently asked questions, cessation resources and tools to help you communicate about this initiative to colleagues, students, staff and visitors. You will hear more about the smoke and tobacco free policy as we approach the effective start date. 

Our students, faculty, staff, alumni and visitors deserve the healthiest possible place to live, work and learn. I appreciate your support in making health and well-being and a cleaner environment top priorities on our beautiful campus. 


John Meyer 
Vice Chancellor, Administrative and Resource Management
